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PI – Darko Jevremović

Head of the Department for Fruit Protection and Certification of Planting Material is one of the leading researchers on fruit tree viruses in the country. Specialized in virus and strain/isolate characterization, detection of new viruses and optimization of protocols for RNA/DNA extraction and molecular biology-based assays.

P1 – Tatjana Vujović

Head of the Tissue culture laboratory in the Department for Fruit Physiology. Specialized in tissue culture in vitro of temperate fruit tree species, study of genetic integrity of tissue culture- raised plants, short (Cold storage) and long-term conservation of fruit germplasm using different cryopreservation techniques.

P2 – Nebojša Milošević

Head of the Department for Fruit Pomology and Breeding. Responsible person for plum breeding and evaluation of autochthonous, domestic and foreign stone fruit cultivars.

P4 – Tatjana Anđelić

Researcher in the Department for Fruit Physiology. PhD student on the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Agriculture. Involved in tissue culture in vitro of fruit tree species and long-term conservation of fruit germplasm using different cryopreservation techniques under the supervision of researcher P1.

P4.1 – Boris Rilak

Researcher in the Department for Fruit Growing Technology. PhD student on the University of Kragujevac – Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak. Involved in research in the fields of agronomy, fruit growing technology and physiology of fruits.